"Brazilian football would be a leap I would like" "PrensaFútbol


Thursday, July 26, 2018


The young midfielder of the University of Chile would be tempted by the Corinthians for the second period, an offer that the same player has recognized and does not have. has not ruled out the possibility of leaving the & # 39; Romantic Traveler & # 39; & # 39; "It would be a very good jump because the football there gives you another contact, more intense," he said.

A hard blow could suffer the University of Chile shortly after the start of the second phase of the National Championship. It is only from Brazil, the Corinthians have laid eyes on the young flyer Angelo Araos, already making an offer for the player emerged in Sports Antofagasta.

This is the same midfielder who confirmed the option to leave Brasileirao. "It's a good time I live, but I take it easily . The arrival at U was very nice for me.We also talked about this offer and I think it would be very good, I will not lie about it.Brazilian football would be a leap that I would like, "he said in a conversation with Fox Sports.

"It would be a very good jump because the football there gives you another touch, more intense.I go little by little, I feel that I still take confidence in the U and I must do better matches and a better championship.We are in a very difficult period where we aspire to be leaders, but we go little by little, "added the ancient Antofagasta

Ángelo Araos arrived at the beginning of 39, year at the University of Chile, ranking among the best actors of the cast blue in both Copa Libertadores and the National Championship.In addition, this could be the second exit of the university cast, since Mauricio Pinilla is in the file of Colón de Santa Fe.

BLUE BLUE! #FSRadioChile One of the players of the U. de Chile received a good offer from Brazil and declared that It would be "very nice to go to Brazilian football." Look at the emptied o for more details! pic.twitter.com/cdVRW6FFMX

– FOX Sports Chile (@FOXSports_Chile) July 27, 2018

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