Brock Lesnar responded to Daniel Cormier's challenge


Brock Lesnar, former UFC heavyweight champion and wrestler, is back in the team and will face Daniel Cormier, current division champion.

Lesnar was present in front of the cage at UFC 226 and witnessed Cormier's win over Stipe Miocic to win the championship in two different divisions.

Brock Lesnar climbed the octagon to face Daniel Cormier after winning the heavyweight championship. Getty Images

"We will definitely do this fight," said UFC President Dana White, about the fight between Cormier and Lesnar. "Lesnar contacted me a few days ago and said," I'm sorry to have gone, but I had things to do, but I'm going to fight this weekend. "I replied:" All right, we'll see you on Saturday. "here and everything exploded.

"As soon as it is come to my seat, he was crazy. I was excited and excited for this fight. He told me that Stipe was going to win because he felt that Cormier was gaining a lot of weight for this fight and that it was going to affect him, but it was not like that. "

After winning his fight, Cormier sent the challenge to Lesnar and the old monarch Octagon to face it.

" There's a guy I've known for a long time, "says Cormier. Is a fighter. It's an All-American. He is a former champion of the UFC. I never thought I would fight him, but Brock Lesnar, bring your bad here! "

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The two faced each other before Lesnar pushed Cormier into the chest and shouted: "DC I'm coming for you. "

" Yes, you are strong, "cried Cormier. But they are all strong. Push me now, go to sleep later. Your days are in the past; 2010 is like the stone age. "

Lesnar was proclaimed UFC champion in 2008 after defeating Randy Couture but lost the title in 2010 to Cain's training partner Cain Velasquez.

Lesnar, The 40-year-old player n & # 39 has not fought at the UFC since he beat Mark Hunt by unanimous decision at the UFC 200 in July 2016, although the bout was canceled after Lesnar failed several tests and is currently suspended by the agency.American Anti-Doping

The former champion still has to serve five months of suspension and his eventual fight with Cormier should probably wait until the beginning of the year. year 2019.

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