Bruno Miranda, the former U who will now be Rooney's partner: "It's a legend, I even occupied it in the game"


The English striker Wayne Rooney was confirmed Thursday as new reinforcement of United DC where he will be a team-mate of the former striker of the University of Chile, Bruno Miranda. The 20-year-old Bolivian played only three games with the Blues and started professionally in Superclásico where the U drew 0-0 with Colo Colo in March 2016 and went on to play two more matches, against Universidad Católica and Unión La Calera

After more than two years of this experience and having left the U in mid-2017, Miranda is now preparing to play alongside Rooney. In addition to recognizing that it will be a great contribution for his team in the Major League Soccer (MLS) can not fail to show astonished by sharing with a footballer who has seen on television and even busy when he has used Manchester United in video games

What do you think of the arrival of Wayne Rooney in your team?

I think he has arrived today at the team and tomorrow he will join the training with us, unfortunately I have still known him

What have you did you think when you were told that you would play with a historical character like him?

I'm sure it'll be a contribution because he's a football legend. We have no doubt that he will add, we want him to share and he can play as he knows with all of us.

Did you see him as a boy, in Manchester or England?

Yes, obvious, always. Rooney is a historian so he is well known, in fact he has always used it in the game, because he played with Manchester United, so it will be spectacular to learn.

How did you play and compete? Footballers as important as Rooney?

There are many good players in MLS. Each team has one or two players who are numbers around the world, that's fine and I think it has helped me grow as a player and every time I feel better on the field . I hope to continue here and keep adding minutes on my team.

"The U is always a possibility"

  bruno Bruno Miranda had the absolute confidence of Sebastián Beccacece for the Superclbadic against Colo Colo and the University Clbadics with UC / Photosport

How life has was she there? Do you want to return to the U?

Well, although life here is obviously different. In the U you live with a lot of pbadion and obviously I am used to that, but here it is not the case, there are puffs, but the U is something unique. Here, people do not know much, but in football I think it's very good and it's competitive, so that has me added a lot.

Have there been conversations so that you can go back to the U?

No, I did not talk to anyone. I'm in the U until 2020 and now in December it will be defined whether I stayed here in the United States or see what we will do in the future. There is an option to buy here and at the end of the year we will see with the U. As far as I know, there is interest for them and we sit and talk for see what we do in December

Kudelka, who likes pointers like you … Are you excited to be part of their team?

U is always a possibility, but I do not think much about it. I've taken a very good memory of the U, I 'd belong to the club, I feel like at home, but I have not had many opportunities to play. Now that I'm sick, I feel I'm getting better, and I do not want to think about that, I like it a lot. The options will be seen in December

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