Buffon was introduced to PSG: "I've always won my property on the ground" | Soccer


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Thomas Samson / Agence France-Presse

"Nobody ever said" a priori "that I would be starter" announced Monday Gianluigi Buffon new goalkeeper of ] Paris Saint-Germain champion of France Ligue 1 during his presentation to the press

"I've always been starting in Parma, Juve and in the Italian national team but nobody ever said a priori that he was going to be a starter, "said Buffon, 40, also indicating that coaching staff had not badured him of the number status. 1 this season.

"I've always been a player who he conquered his property on the field" continued Buffon, who will face competition from French Alphonse Areola and l & # 39, German Kevin Trapp both international.

"I am sure that my 40 years I maintain excellent physical and mental fitness, and when it is necessary to achieve important goals (in a club), we need the help of everyone We will all have minutes during the season, I will do my best to put the others in the best conditions. I want to show that I am a great goalkeeper and I am sure I will do it, "adds Buffon.

"I will become a better guardian because I will know a new way of working, a new culture and meeting people.] Could not say no" concluded the Italian.

PSG now has five players with a contract in force for the goalkeeper position (Buffon, Areola, Trapp, Descamps and Cibois). After enjoying the last season of the title, Areola, currently in World Cup with the French national team, has already stated that he did not want to be on the bench when the championship begins [19659011] (function (d, s, id) {
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