By Audience Success: Alessandra's Iguana Extends Season at National Theater | Arts and culture


The Alessandra iguana is the first comedy written and directed by Ramón Griffero iconic figure of the national scenic arts. "Laughter is a revealing emotion of our inner thoughts and generates the pleasure of happiness.Today, it is necessary to feel happy, and that is the premise that guides this work," he says. he

Represented through songs and choreographies, and with a cast of ten outstanding actors from the national scene, the work immerses the viewer in a journey through great moments of the twentieth century [19659002] Everything starts in present day Santiago Alessandra, interpreted by Paulina Urrutia is the wife of an important astronomer (Pablo Schwarz) who spends his days to study the sky from the observatories of Cerro Tololo But suddenly, like Alice in Wonderland, she becomes a young aristocrat in the Venice of the 1940s.

Between the opulence of his palace and the ravages of rescues Jazm World War II ín a very particular iguana that will make him discover his hidden emotions, becoming his revealing engine.

Thanks to the mysteries of quantum physics, they met together Federico García Lorca in Granada and they are trainees in Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez. After leaving Franco's Spain, Alessandra becomes a nurse who is captured by the Islamic Army in Syria and later a leader of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the hands of Mao Tse-Tung. He also returns to Chile, this time during the Popular Front period. In short, a poetic journey through different revolutions that have changed the future of humanity

The cast is directed by Paulina Urrutia and Pablo Schwarz, joined by Omar Morán, April Gregory, Taira Court, Felipe Zepeda, Alejandra Oviedo, Juan Pablo Peragallo, Italo Spotorno and Gonzalo Beltran

"Alessandra's iguana is inspired and was written for actress Paulina Urrutia, with whom I have been working since 2000 in works like Cinema Utoppia, Your desires in fragments, Prometheus the origin and 99 The morgue ", explains the playwright and director Ramón Griffero. "It's a tribute to a friend and an actress who has generated a reference in the contemporary actor's game." In writing, I saw it act, and the sentences and dialogues emerged from it was a pleasure to write for her and accept to play in the work, "he adds

The scenographic backdrop creates an operatic space, where the different worlds and moments of the plot take place.In addition, Vargas is responsible for the creation of over 50 costumes that are used on stage.

The music of La iguana de Alessandra was composed by Alejandro Miranda who, to date, has participated in more than 50 bademblies.The tonadas, the rancheras, the double steps, the Islamic songs and the Chinese opera constitute the 39, backbone of a work where sound marks the rhythm of interpretation.

"Over time, we see the great social adventures of the twentieth century that are tragedies Today, they are seen as great scenes of a human comedy. To paraphrase Karl Marx, the story is given first as a tragedy and then as a comedy. And that's the point of view badumed by this badembly, "concludes Griffero.

Chilean National Theater, Antonio Varas Room
UNTIL JULY 28 th From Thursday to Saturday, 8 pm
Tickets: $ 7,000 in general, $ 4,000 for students and seniors, Popular Thursday: $ 3,500 (price
only) Ticket sales at theater box office

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