C & # 39; was the way from France and Croatia to the World Cup Final in Russia


So came France and Croatia to dispute the world soccer championship in Russia in 2018. On Sunday will be the faces at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow.

France responded to its favoritism

France was in the bouquet of favorites to win the World Cup. It did not have the same weight as Germany or Brazil, but the "blue" one did not have the same weight as Germany or Brazil, but the & # 39; blues & # 39; appeared there, in a second line, next to Argentina, to lift the trophy in Russia 2018.

The team Didier Deschamps takes things seriously from the first match. And with a strong return of football with Varane and Umtiti, dynamic in the middle with Kanté and Matuidi, and with two fast, powerful and efficient strikers like Mbappé and Griezmann, their space was opened and then be on everyone's lips as a serious candidate

The style of France, although it is not so attractive to the tribune, sometimes has lucidity, speed and strength. Deschamps managed to amalgamate the styles of his players, taking advantage of the decisive matches like the eighth against Argentina, in which, after a rain of goals, 7 in total, the Gauls went with the loot for their 4- win 3.

Unlike Croatia, which in the first round scored perfect, France added 7 units in three games, but still finished first in their zone.

(Read also: The special request made to him by the French at Deschamps for the final)

In his group he did the job
In the C, the French chose to share with him. Australia, Peru and Denmark, rivals who by their characteristics would become very rigorous examinations. In the first game he beat Australia 2-1, which allowed him to add his first 3 points and gain confidence.

In his second outing, he found a determined Peru to make a big game, and he won the eleventh as he only barely tilted 1-0 against France

In Game Three , France suffered more than the score against Denmark, a team that played hand in hand and also managed the ball. The final result was 0-0 with France getting first place with 7 points

Obstacle difficult in the eighths
For France the moment of truth began in the second round. The rival was none other than Argentina, a team that made a bad campaign in their group, but in decisive cases, she grew up. However, in the field, it turned out another story. Although the match ended 4-3 for France, the European team was much higher, making the difference in all sectors. With this triumph so vital in football and humor, France had already shown its teeth

(This may interest you: the South American referee Néstor Pitana will lead the final between France and Croatia )

In the quarter-finals, France met Uruguay. Another South American team and another team that in key phases is also developing and highlights its famous "charrúa claw". But the French selected did not stop in this situation and as in previous meetings, went out to do their job to make the difference with a 2-0 which led to the semi-finals. The recipe was simple: a lot of dynamics, more ball possession and definition in the most pressing moments.

He overthrew another favorite
If France lacked a match to receive the most favoritism in Russia, it was the duel against Belgium. The reason is simple: his opponent was perhaps deploying the best football in the World Cup and had left in the quarter-finals nothing less than Brazil. But France spent the bitter drink of the first minutes and with its formula still balanced the charges and then scored the goal that gave the clbadification to the final, something that has not happened since 1998.

The players who make the difference [19659016] The backbone of France is one of the best and most decisive of the World Cup. Goalkeeper Lloris, midfielders Varane and Umtiti, midfielder Kanté and attackers Mbappé and Griezmann are responsible for maintaining the team's balance, ensuring defensive security and to make the difference in attack.

however, they have other gold riders such as Pogba and Matuidi, who also give a helping hand to times when other numbers are marked or do not produce what is expected d & # 39; them.

Croatia has shown its clbad

with great merit. That's Croatia, a team coming to Russia without any favoritism, but with football, she won a big place in the World Cup, to the point of reaching her first final in a competition of this category .

To his colorful football, carried by the hand of the banner of this new generation, Luka Modric, in addition to Rakitic, Perisic, Mandzukic and Vida, Croatia has added charisma.

That is why in all the stages where he played, the little technical team unknown Slatko Dalic receives the applause of a not only Croatian fan, who managed to answer the sympathy of the eleventh European.

The last show was Wednesday at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, when he was acclaimed after overthrowing

(Read also: Kalinic, the Croat who was expelled from the World Cup for refusing to play … What will he think?)

Then began his dream
Croatia started in Group D in Argentina, Nigeria and Is Landia Three games played and three wins, with 7 goals in favor and only one against.

In the first match he won 2-0 in Nigeria and in the second, which would serve as a real thermometer because Argentina is the rival, Croatia had no compbadion and with a football clear, exquisite and vertiginous, he rolled to heavenly. 3-0

From that moment, Croatia began to be seen with different eyes. In the last game of their zone, Balkan players, half-machine, surpbaded Iceland 2-1 to win their zone that way.

Eighteenth round fought
In this phase, Croatia met Denmark. I almost preached that the same football scenario with the ball on the floor, the first touch and a clear and definitive football in the opposite territory.

That is why a very difficult game came out, played well and with precise marks on each other. Within 90 minutes of settlement, they equaled 1 and 1, which is why prorogation was required. In the extension, Modric failed a penalty shot.

After 120 minutes, there was a need to throw a penalty kick and then goalkeeper Danijel Subasic was the hero of the day, stopping three shots. Croatian triumph 3-2

More penalties
In the quarterfinals, Croatia repeated the Danish film. He faced a strong and highly motivated Russia. The match ended 2-2 and there was an extension. However, in the extra 30 minutes, they did not get injured because both teams took defensive precautions. There was no choice but to go to penalties and again Croatia found the blessing by winning 4-3 and moving on to the semifinals.

Triumph worked
In the semifinals in Croatia, he had a hard time giving in: England. The English were also packed and added a lot of favoritism for the campaign they made. As expected, the match was in great demand by both sides, especially for the Croatians, who lost 1-0 in 4 minutes.

But this Croatia has shown signs of never giving up. In the 90 minutes he fought the match, he recovered from the difficult start of the game and with great courage and pride reached the link to force the one who is his third extension in this World Cup. And in this extension, the Croats fired their physical and football arrests to reach the second historic goal that gave them the desired qualification for the grand final of Russia 2018.

There are several officials of Croatia is about to win its first world title. Modric is his ideal pilot, captain and team football guide.

The man who sets the guidelines to follow on the pitch and the one who enlightens his fellow teammates with his clear and winning football. Then there is goalkeeper Subasic, architect in some games and penalty point definitions. Central life is the soul of the back, Rakitic is Modric's partner in the football generation, and then there is Perisic and Mandzukic as the ideal complements for a very balanced team. [Lirelasuite: Alargues in the eighth and semi-finals: theCreataLord'sContribuestoRead More]

Thus, they will dress in the final
France will wear dark blue in the final, while Croatia will wear its usual red and white checkered jersey . ] According to Fifa, the "blue" ones will wear completely their darkest blue outfit, including pants and socks, while the keeper will wear yellow. Croatia, in addition to its check shirt, will wear white pants and socks and the goalkeeper will turn green.

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