Camila Cabello: A popstar dedicated to its Argentinean audience – 21/10/2018


In the digital age, not everything is virtual, the encounter always has a meaning and the proximity is not measured in kilometers. Saturday night at the DirecTV Arena, Camila Cabello sealed the relationship with her Argentinian supporters singing, dancing and, above all, arguing.

In an evening of pure pop, more than 10,000 girls, teenagers and accompanying parents shouted to the rhythm of the Cuban-American Latin singer of the moment. With exceptional performance, Lali Esposito was chosen as the most popular local exhibitor of the genre to open a feminine evening at the front.

Caliente, Tu Novia and Una Na the themes of Brava (2018), who turned anxious waiting into a solely animated dance moment.

  Camila Cabello. (Trigo Gerardi).

Camila Cabello. (Wheat Gerardi).

With her genuine smile and her charisma that establishes a direct link with the preteens, Lali Espósito shone for the quality of her presentation, which could have been the protagonist of the evening, but her supporters were present. see another charismatic singer who managed to break the boundaries and create an international clan based in Buenos Aires.

"If I dream, do not wake up please," humbly begged the protagonist of the night in the video introduction of the show.

  Happy fans. (Trigo Gerardi).

The fans, happy. (Wheat Gerardi).

Between the artificial fog and the scream in the background, he faces the song of the stage Never Be The Same the theme that bears the same name as the tour that also presented the week . in Brazil and Chile.

The phenomenon Camila Cabello transcended the world and reached Argentina, or rather: "Camilizerlandia". This new word is what identifies our country as the one with the most fanatics.

The "Camilizers", as the collective calls itself, have their natural habitat in social networks, but they also manifest their love as before and dozens of them are went to find their idol in Ezeiza.

"I love them so much.These are the best fans in the world, I feel so lucky.Can I sing a love song?", Says the artist, surprised a few minutes after the start of his show. I can not help but fall in love the clbadic Elvis Presley, singing a capella demonstrated the vocal power of the young woman who had followed her with a song that & # 39; s She had written, Consequences, on the piano.

  Camila, in the Lollapalooza 2018.

Camila, in the Lollapalooza 2018.

While it was the first time Cabello arrived in the country with his own tour, in March, she had already given a show in the local Lollapalooza edition. Two months after the release of her first album entitled Camila who made her first-place debut in the United States with 119,000 units and became a gold record, she came participate in the festival in a transcendent experience. who reported Saturday.

"I had just released my album when I arrived in Argentina and I thought that there would be only one person who would sing my songs in the audience: my mother .. J & # I was so anxious and nervous when I went on stage, they made me feel so loved and so special, which is why it's called "Camilizerlandia", "he said. with sincere emotion in his native Spanish, sometimes mixed with English words.

The constant gratitude and affection aroused a mutual reaction from the audience in front of the stage. The singer was noticed during the course of the day. and an hour and a half of recital really attached to what his followers experienced After playing with screams on both sides of the stadium, he decided to deepen their relationship and go further: " I care a lot about their life. "

" Scar Tissue I wrote after the worst time of my life, it has taught me something important. We have all had bad times. When you try to ignore them, they hurt you more. It's good to let you feel the pain and live it. This is a good opportunity to treat you better, with patience and affection . If we treated ourselves as our best friends, we would be happier. I want them to promise to treat themselves well, "said the lesson of the day crowned by a real hug between two friends of the public