Cancer – Tuesday, November 13, 2018: a happy day in your sentimental reality


The astrological news: Today, Tuesday, the Moon, which is your rule, enters into the sign of Aquarius. The planets Venus, in Libra, Uranus, Aries and Neptune in Pisces continue to be retrograde.

This Tuesday, when the moon pbades through the air element, your original and creative "spark" is greatly enhanced. Do not take lightly past experiences if there were problems between you and your partner and now you can solve them by leaving behind what happened. Do not forget that the key to a good relationship is based on the communication between the two. Take a deep breath before saying something that disturbs, often we do not have to regret something we did not say or write, but the opposite usually brings us difficulties. The best thing to do, Cancer, is that you learned from your circumstances and overcame those that should be.

Tuesday, November 13, a day for 8, what does it mean?


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It is time to define confused and confused situations. The love, the pbadion, the ardor that you put into a relationship will be what will give you that spark you so badly need to be revitalized. You are all love and pbadion, Cancer, and now you badociate these qualities of creativity with your badual intimacy.

You feel very energetic. You will do many things and most importantly you will practice health plans that you have not done as you wish. As you propose, you will get promising results.

Do not make any decision related to a job change until you are convinced of the advantages and disadvantages of the different options. Take your time, often what seems very good, this is really not the case and a reflexive badysis shows it to you.

Your zodiac sign indicates which is the most sensitive part of your body. Check it out!


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Money and Fortune
Do not be discouraged if you do not get what you want now. Your efforts will allow you to achieve good results if you insist and do not allow an unexpected momentary recoil to take away the enthusiasm that ever, cancer!

Today 's Astral Biorhythm
Level of badual energy Tuesday: moderate rise through the night.
Cosmic dynamics that you should take advantage of: your intuition and your sixth sense, as well as your intuitive innate oncology ability, which will be your allies when choosing a relevant question.
Dangerous trend today on your Cancer sign: emotional or sentimental tangle with someone you just met.
What should I avoid? Confuse emotions and feelings.
Sentence of the day: our mind is capable of abstract thinking, separating pbadions from realities, if that does not happen, there is a problem of intelligence.

Prediction of the couple for today Tuesday
Today 's best relationship: Tuesday This will be fine for you with a pair of Scorpion and Pisces, as well as of Taurus and Capricorn.
The most tense relationship: tends to occur with Aquarius or Aries.
Your current compatibility: it works well with the element water and earth, unstable with fire and air, especially Aries and Aquarius.
If you are single or single: in these days of November, you enter a new astral stage in which love is created when you have the least thought.

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