Captain Marvel, the heroine who will save the Avengers


After seeing " Avengers: The Infinite War ", the Marvel Universe will never be the same again, while Thanos has achieved his goal: to gather the six gems of the Infinite and a snap of fingers is enough to eliminate half of the population, including several superheroes.

However, before disappearing, the still visionary Nick Fury manages to send a message. Who is it addressed to? Neither more nor less than Captain Marvel; But who is it? What are his powers? and where does it come from?

Name: Carol Susan Jane Danvers
Known as: Binary, Mrs. Marvel, Warbird and Captain Marvel
Race: Human-kree (Ronan the Accuser and Korath the Persecutor , "Guardians of the Galaxy", they are also kri.)
Powers: super strength, speed and endurance. Survive in space, release energy from his hands, fly and detect danger.
Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes No. 13 (1986) and Captain Marvel No. 18 (1969)
In Comics: Thanos Defeat

Man or Woman?
Captain Marvel did not always refer to a girl, originally he was a superhero created in 1967 known as Mar-Vell.
He was a kree soldier, an extraterrestrial race with incredible superpowers, who was sent to Earth to infiltrate among its inhabitants and judge whether they were dangerous.
There he meets Carol Danvers, pilot of the US Air Force and who occupies the post of chief of security at Cape Canaveral
After a battle between Mar-Vell and Colonel Galactic Yon-rogg broke out, an explosion in which Carol survives, but her genetics are altered.

What's Happening
Next year will release the movie Captain Marvel, along with Brie Larson, number 21 in the film universe. Marvel
It will be in the 90s, in fact, chronologically, it occurs as a prequel to the Guardians of the Galaxy (2014); and shows how she is left in the middle of an intergalactic war between two species.
And Nick Fury? We think that in this band we will know how he loses an eye.

After the impact left by Infinity War, several fanatics of the subject have considered the following …
– Some they say that Tony Stark, with l & # 39; help from Ant-Man, will travel back in time to design a plan with Hulk, Thor and Captain America, but … from the past!
– Others believe that the missing superheroes are not dead, but locked in the gem of the soul.
– There are those who have faith in Carol, either because she has a gem that no one knows; or that, as a possible old patient of Dr. Strange, he saw it as part of salvation.

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