Carola de Moras defends herself by denying Ignacio Gutiérrez


On Wednesday, Ignacio Gutiérrez was invited to Llegó Tu Hora on TVN, where he recalled his conflict with Carolina de Moras, which began after his departure from CHV.

On the show, Nicolás Larraín asked him about the betrayal that De Moras only cares about his well-being and not his companions.

"I think that there are people who little interest what happens to each other", started by pointing, indicating that he now notice that he's working on TVN where there's not a lot of model memories even though this was part of the TV house for years.

"I said" how's it going to be, how's it going to be such a calculating person, that people are instruments, but he's confirmed it? ", added.

However he did not stay there and badured that the model does not care about the people with whom it works: "I think that there are people who have morals plus VAT, I tell you honestly, I think the door next door does not interest you beyond what you can add to the rating and negotiate contracts, nothing more. "

His words came to the host of The Mañana, who made his releases through his Instagram account with extensive publication

"I wonder how long Mr. Ignacio Gutiérrez y Cía will continue this campaign of insults and attacks, appointing me as responsible for all his experience and judgment with CHV, "he wrote

who denied part of the story of Gutiérrez, He once said that she did not support him.

"I remind you that I opposed the statement against him when the chain asked me to do it because I did not want to disarm his version of events. He himself acknowledged that in the famous meeting I defended and talked to him and not only there, but the following days, until he decided to sue the channel for discrimina "

He called me and did not ask for help, since I offered it to him. What friendship are you talking about? As it is easy to insult and distort. You may be happy to aggravate me for free if your morals permit, I have nothing else to do or say. "

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