Carola de Moras launched against Yerko and Daniel Alcaíno: "It's old-fashioned"


This Thursday, CHV's Mañana was maintained exclusively with Sarita Vásquez's sister to discuss the complaint filed as a family against Yerko Puchento.

The morning also gave Daniel the right to answer Alcaíno, the actor behind the controversial figure, who referred to this complaint as that announced by Sebastián Dávalos.

In the note, the comedian said that the subject with the deceased cosmetologist "was crooked" since, according to him, he never said that she was the woman the ugliest in the world.

He also badured that there was a stigma surrounding the character and that is why he is filled with this type of criticism. Although he badured that "we are doing an internal mea culpa", he ended up defending his work and his humor since he is "a character who is 17 years old at the # Screen, we know what it is ". After knowing the words of Alcaíno, Carola de Moras disagreed with his opinion. "It happens to me that he does not want to recognize," he said before clarifying that "Daniel Alcaíno is very good" and to call "old-fashioned" Yerko. "It happens to me that he never badumes it.It does not badume Cecilia Pérez.I should suddenly say that – if it bothers you, I apologize for it & # 39; We are human We are wrong And suddenly, the character makes fun of real people, "he said

Regarding Sarita Vásquez, she badured that she did not would not defend himself, "I find it a little more serious because she's a person. He left 7 years ago. We respect it with distance.

Finally, the facilitator concluded by saying that "I find that disqualification, nowadays, is already out of date."

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