Carola de Moras seeks to forget the stalemate with Pamela Díaz with a new project at CHV


The space will involve the participation of exceptional leaders.

Pamela Díaz began a controversy with Carolina de Moras thanks to the acid comparison that she made between the host of La Mañana de Chilevisión and Tonka Tomicic

To forget the problems and the words of "La Fiera", Moras will start a new project at CHV where he will be looking for the best amateur pastry chefs in Chile

Bake Off is the name of the new project where French chef Yann Yvin and Gustavo Sáez, best pastry chef of the year. Latin America, will participate in the 50 best Latin American restaurants.

"The channel generates a different television, which offers content for the whole family and which puts forward a playful tone that has had great results with the public.In this sense, be part of this new program , which is so popular all over the world, is a challenge that I proudly badume, "commented de Moras.

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