Carolina de Moras is unleashed against Denisse Malebrán and Nacho Gutiérrez for his comments on TVN | TV and show


More than once, the animator Ignacio Gutiérrez clarified that the friendship he had with his former colleague Carolina de Moras is totally broken. In fact, a few weeks ago, she said that she would never work with her again.

But her strongest words were uttered a few days ago when she was invited to the TVN show "Llegó tu hora". There, he pointed out that "there are people who care little about what happens to each other" referring to the fact that the cheerleader does not have it supported when he brought a discriminatory lawsuit to Chilevisión

I like him near me today, or tomorrow, or never " she said, adding that Carolina had a "moral + VAT" .

In the same program, the singer Denisse Malebrán criticized the host for his judgment to reduce the profile of the behavior of the filmmaker Nicolás López who was accused by at least 8 actresses of badual harbadment and abuse and of work.Remember that a few days ago, De Moras was criticized after giving his opinion about the filmmaker, with whom he collaborated on two occasions, and he said that Lopez had "a sense of humor" that may not have been understood

Given the words of Malebrán and Gutiérrez, De Moras decided to defend himself through his Instagram account, where he initially denied the artist. "Malebrán's claim is false and irresponsible, I've never said what she's pointing out," he said, baduring that he did not care whether C & # 39; 39, was "ignorance" or "bad faith" on the part of Denisse.In addition, he added that he was against all kinds of abuse since forever and that for the same reason, he was not "ignorant" or "bad faith" on the part of Denisse. would not accept to be accused of absurd and absurd statements.

He then targeted his darts at Gutiérrez, which he summoned to attack him constantly.

"M. Ignacio Gutiérrez has made personal criticisms of me. I wonder how long Mr. Ignacio Gutiérrez was there. They will continue in this campaign of insults and attacks, stating that I am responsible for all their experience and judgment on ASC, "he said. "I remind him that I opposed declaring against him when the channel asked me, because I did not want to disarm his version of the events. He acknowledged that during the famous meeting, I defended him and spoke for him and not only there, "he added.

" He did not never called nor asked for help. What friendship are you talking about? As it is easy to insult and distort. You can feel happy to aggravate for free and if your morals allow it, I have nothing else to do or say, "he said.

Finally, she thanked those who supported her and badured her that she felt calm because all she accomplished was for her work and not to criticize others.

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