Carolina de Moras launched against those who criticized her for "defending" Nicolás López


This weekend, the testimonies of eight national actresses accusing Nicolás López of harbadment and badual abuse, causing agitation in the world of entertainment, were published.

The subject was widely in the various television programs, one of them being the morning La Mañana de CHV

In this context, Carolina de Moras told him good experiences with the director, which filled her with criticism in social networks after some people had badured justified her actions because he had "a different mood".

"I can say for my part, from what I know about Nicholas, that he is of a size that is risky, of size perhaps because someone can be badly understood, but depends on the sense of humor, "were part of his words.

After being the target of a series of critics, Intruders spoke with the cheerleader, who came out to clarify words.

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"He's an ironic rooster, he's a man with hard, black humor … that's what I saw of him." I'm not saying that we understand and justify because it's a different mood, quite the contrary. I do not understand why they try to make controversy where it's very well understood, " De Moras explained, adding that "I told a story of what I experienced and what I knew."

In addition, badured that the personality that she knew from López dates back to 15 years, so that she can not comment on what happened after that.Finally, he closed the subject by pointing out that "I do not justify anyone, so we understand the things we hear well."

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