Catholic received a massive banderazo and the U could not have it by Kudelka's decision


The Universidad Católica performed his last training before facing the University of Chile, for the academic clbadic, with mbadive support from his fans in San Carlos de Apoquindo.

Cross fans invaded the south sector of the campus. see the practice of the team and support the players. However, the opposite side lived on the other side of the coin, due to Frank Darío Kudelka's decision not to "banderazo" in the United States.

As Revealed CDF News "The technician considers that the last practice before a match is essential and even more so in the clbadics. August, he had already expressed his disagreement with open work to the public and incomplete. "

" Now in the pre-game against the Crusaders, won the fight and managed not to traditional harangue of fans is performed " adds the media.

It should be noted that yesterday, the DT had already shown that the event would not take place. "I like mbadive support, you have to be in union with the fan's feeling, if the Banderazo is organized, it does not happen to me." Tomorrow is an important practice that we would not have. could not have done if there had been Banderazo "he explained.


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