Chad Smith plays the battery surprise at a Foo Fighters concert


Red Hot drummer Chli Peppers joins Dave Grohl and his band to play the original song "Stay with me" from "The Faces" in New York.

Chad Smith of Red Hot Chili Peppers plays the drums by surprise in a concert of Foo Fighters. AFP

The rock band Foo Fighters has always been in favor of playing with friends on stage and their concerts are always different with surprises, jokes and a good atmosphere every night. (You might be interested: Girls of David Grohl in the new video Foo Fighters)

The last of these good anecdotes occurred on Saturday night when the group invited Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers ] To play drums with them during their concert in Wantagh, New York.

To the delight of the band's fans, Smith sits behind the drums while the drummer holds, Taylor Hawkins, put on the microphone to sing the clbadic " Rest with me " by The Faces. (This may interest you: Dave Grohl raised his girls on stage to play songs from Adele and Foo Fighters)

It was not the first time that Smith and Foo Fighters were playing this song together, they have already done it at a concert of the American Group in 2015.

In the video, recorded by somebody of the public, it is appreciated that the drummer of Red Hot Chili Peppers still has a unique layout that invades the scene, making the fans move around the sounds. (You might be interested: Foo Fighters will open a bar in London to promote the album "Concrete and Gold")

Both bands are known for their great career and legacy in the history of rock lately, having as their main focus their talent and charisma at concerts, this time with Chad Smith representing his group on the Foo stage.

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