Champion's promise: Giroud has completed and reappeared with a new haircut after the World Cup | Sports


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Ludovic Marin / Agence France-Presse

Promised and fulfilled. The French striker Oliver Giroud had a special "reappearance" on social networks in the last hours

The French striker, world champion in Russia 2018, uploaded a photograph for to broadcast his new court.

Accustomed to different hairstyles, this time the attacker wore very short hair, making a big difference with his usual "look".

The player himself was responsible for explaining the why of his court: a promise related to the title won on Russian soil.

"Promise made, done thing", voiced the scorer in his stories, tying emoticons from the two stars that he has achieved France in his story.

Recall that Oliver Giroud was one of the main attackers of the gala team in Russia. Although he did not score any goals, his constant "fight" led him to be followed today by important clubs, such as Atletico Madrid. .

Choose the promise due! 19 #ThanksThomas #Paritenu # ?? #BluefootBlue # ??

– Olivier Giroud (@_OlivierGiroud_ ) July 22, 2018

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