Choose Racing from here to Chinese – 07/09/2018


In relationship

I would like to go back, but that does not depend only on me, "said Gustavo Bou while still playing in Tijuana before crystallizing his return to Racing. a transfer takes place, the three legs are necessary: ​​the player Ok, the club that owns him and the one who wants him Always from Mexico, there is another footballer with a fervent desire to wear the jersey of the Of course, this does not depend solely on him, but the pressure he exerts can bear fruit.

According to Olé, a close friend of Lucas Zelarayán told him that the attacking midfielder of the Tigers decided Although he has received an offer from the Santos of Brazil, he wants to return to Argentina for a family theme and prioritizes the pursuit of his career in the team led by Eduardo Coudet. " already talked a lot on the phone with El Chacho right now ", commented on this environmental journal of Cordovan, whose contract with the Mexican club expires in June 2019.

El Chino hopes that Racing and Tigers The little continuity that he had in the last semester (21 games, only 8 of the holders) has made the 26-year-old man started to see very good eyes the possibility of emigrating. When Racing's option appeared immediately, he experienced an enthusiasm that fed into every conversation with Chacho and, also, with Renzo Saravia. They both formed a friendship in Belgrano and want to share again material "Renzo tells him things about Racing," they revealed.

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More than a month, leaders have contacted their counterparts from the Mexican entity and engaged in complicated negotiations. It happens that Tigres asked about 8,000,000 dollars for the whole map and from Avellaneda they made smaller offers; One of those who transcended was 2,500,000 for half the pbadage.

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Beyond the difficulties in the negotiations, in the Academics did not give up and they will continue the conversations with the hope that the Mexicans will give in. But Racing, of course, must make its effort … "Zelarayán interests us", retorted Victor Blanco in Olé, in case there is no doubt that the club excludes not Chino, the player who exploded in the Pirata and at the time he was in the River Reticle. According to what this newspaper has discovered, the midfielder will wait until the last minute for an agreement between the clubs. Otherwise, Plan B will badyze the other proposals that it receives.

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