Cinderella, a children's opera by Panguipulli


The clbadic story of Cinderella now takes a new, much more local direction. Located in southern Chile, built from two Chilean compositions and a booklet from actor and director Felipe Castro, Cinderella, Magic and the legend present two visions of the world confronted in the stories of the world. a Mapuche grandmother and a girl. Opera and dance show featuring a troupe of 126 children and teenagers, which will be presented from tomorrow to Sunday at the Municipal Theater of Las Condes.

The ensemble is composed of two parts, the first is musicalized with the piece La Cenicienta, written in 1948 by the Chilean composer Pedro Humberto Allende. Meanwhile, the second part was composed especially for the work, by René Silva. The latter, titled La Malen, is based on the myth La niña de la calavera, which tells the story of a little girl whose head turns into a skull after being bewitched by her stepmother.

Through its various artistic programs, the Corporation of Adelanto Amigos de Panguipulli, located in the region of Los Ríos, has a symphony orchestra, a choir and a ballet that came together to give life to this opera. They were joined by two choirs, that of the SIP school network and six young people from the Leonardo Da Vinci School of Las Condes. In total, they made three camps where they prepared the badembly.

Felipe Castro's text unites the two compositions in a dialogue between a Papai (grandmother in Mapudungun) and the girl. "In the end, what we want to show is that understanding is a two-step meeting: what is the current and old generation of children," says Pamela Calsow, director of Adelantado Corporation. Amigos of Panguipulli.

The musical direction is in the hands of Rodolfo Fischer, resident director in Switzerland for whom the badembly is a challenge, because he had never worked with children. "Here, we're their teacher, if something does not work, you have to come up with solutions, teach them to do something that they do not know how to do," he explains about how he worked.

The series is not only distinguished by the work the directors did with the children. but also because in the preparations a whole community worked. According to Calsow, "it was intense, but very rewarding, and the costumes presented in the work were made by moms and dads, we did a workshop where they learned how to make these costumes, and I think that it has created an impressive union in the commune and more than 400 people have participated in the creation of this show, "he explains.

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