Cine Arte Alameda will present Stanley Kubrick as #DirectordelMes in July


The cycle will begin with "2001: Odyssey in Space", a cult-science genre movie released 50 years ago (1968) that marks a milestone for its visual communication style, groundbreaking special effects , scientific realism and avant-garde projections.

The film continues to be one of the most important films of its kind and a mandatory reference for all filmmakers who tackle science fiction stories. The work evolves in different spheres, addressing philosophical, existential and even religious themes.

The next dates of the July cycle will be: "Dr. Strangelove" (Tuesday 10); "The mechanical orange" (Tuesday 17); "The Brilliant" (Tuesday 24); and the latest film, Tuesday, July 31, may be chosen by the public through the social networks of Arte Arte Alameda

About the director:

Stanley Kubrick (New York, United States, July 26, 1928 – St Albans, United Kingdom, March 7, 1999) was an American director, screenwriter, producer, and photographer. Regarded by many as one of the most influential filmmakers of the 20th century, he distinguished himself by both his technical precision and the great stylization of his films and his marked symbolism. Fortune and his taste for photography led Kubrick in his youth to graphic journalism. His shots, much appreciated in the magazine Look, would lead him to film news from the cinema. And then it was clear. I wanted to tell stories with the camera.

Kubrick deals with films of all genres and subjects: anti-war allegory ("Paths of Fame", "Born to kill"), Roman cinema ("Spartacus"), intimate story about the world. love, pbadion and marriage ("Lolita", "Eyes Wide Shut"), political satire ("Dr. Strangelove"), science fiction and philosophy (2001: a space odyssey), reflection on violence and freedom (The mechanical orange "), picaresque (" Barry Lyndon ") and terror (" The glow "), among others.

Next, the complete program of the #directordelmes of July in Cine Arte Alameda :

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Tuesday, July 3 at 9:15 pm

The sci-fi film par excellence in the history of cinema tells the different eras of the history of humanity, not only of the past, but also of the future.Mill millions of years ago, before the appearance of "Homo sapiens", primates discover a monolith that leads them to a higher stage of intelligence. Millions of years later, another monolith, buried in a moon, arouses the interest of scientists. Finally, during a NASA mission, HAL 9000, a machine equipped with artificial intelligence, is responsible for controlling all the systems of an inhabited spacecraft.

Original title: 2001: A Space Odyssey
Year: 1968
Duration: 139 min
Country: United Kingdom
Address: Stanley Kubrick
Screenplay: Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke (History: Arthur C. Clarke)
Music: Richard Strauss, Johann Strauss, György Ligeti, Aram Khachaturyan
Photography: Geoffrey Unsworth
Interpretation: Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood , William Sylvester, Daniel Richter, Leonard Rossiter, Margaret Tyzack, Robert Beatty, Sean Sullivan, Frank Miller, Alan Gifford, Penny Brahms, Vivian Kubrick

1968: Oscar: Best Visual Effects. 4 nominations, including Director and Screenplay
1968: David di Donatello Award: Best Foreign Production
1968: BAFTA Award: Best Soundtrack, Photography and Art Direction


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