Claudio Palma extinguished his voice after the insults he received from Yamila Reyna


Like almost all Argentineans, Yamila Reyna celebrated the qualification of her team in the knockout stage of the 2018 World Cup.

The humorist wanted to show his happiness on social networks with several messages and videos. However, Reyna also decided to send a message to Claudio Palma.

On Twitter and on Instagram Stories, the new actress of Forgive Our Sins insulted Palma for his way of saying the game. [19659002] "Take Palma, so you can now tell it as it should," he wrote to later publish a video with insults of higher caliber

He explained that everything was about a "joke". "It was a sculpture, it was all … people took it badly, the world is very angry lately," he badured at La Cuarta [19659005] The same newspaper spoke with the reporter, who stated that "I do not know her, I know she's an actress, but I'm not going to criticize her work or whatever it's … I'm old, I've been working on it for 30 years, I've got hard leather, but that does not mean free. In addition, he pointed out that if he had been the one who had made these publications "many would have asked for my head" and had defended himself by saying that only he was doing his job.

"Commentators are always accused of To have their shirts, but this is not the case … Personally, I do not care what happens with Argentina in World Cup " did it admitted, adding that he understands Nd that countries such as trans-national or Brazil are more attractive for competition in the world of television.

Finally, he emphasizes that he supports the feminist movement but that respect must be maintained. and the abuses that women may suffer "do not allow a woman to be disrespectful in this way."

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