Cobresal was strong in the capital and visited a weak Santiago Morning in the promotion league


Cobresal showed his credentials this Wednesday in the capital and is positioning himself as a powerful candidate to challenge the definition of ascension against his rival mines, Cobreloa. But first, because during this day, the students of Gustavo Huerta beat Santiago Morning at home by four goals to one, which shows an unrestrained superiority from the first minutes.

The duel, disputed in the Municipal de La Pintana, showed the differences between a cohesive casting and another that suffered the surprise dismissal of his coach, Jaime García.

Things got out of balance early: At 3 minutes, Alexander Corró set the zero to zero. And at 5, Muriel Orlando, victim of a foul from goalkeeper Pedro Carrizo, scored the second number. Two goals that hit the Chago, who began to try to neglect. He came closer to the two cross bars of the Haitian Ricardo Ade. A step back that benefited David Escalante who focused on Ryduan Palermo, who led the discount on microbuses to 36 ". Aside from the facts, his father, Martin, was in the stands after his resignation in the Spanish Union.

  Palermo Martin Palermo went to see his firstborn, who had scored a goal / Photosport

in the second fraction. , the morning wanted to continue arriving at the cobresalino arc, but a penalty committed by the defense of the black V and transformed by Nelson Sepúlveda at 69 gave rise to a bucket of water cold for the locals. 19659007] And at 87, a great collective movement between Cantero and Víctor Hugo Sarabia, was converted by the latter to sign the final of 4 to 1.

Cobresal already has a large part of the task accomplished and the Chago goes to the miracle this Sunday, November 11 at 15:30. The winner of this key will face the winner of the series between Wanderers and Valdivia.

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