Colo Colo risk 10 reduction points for the link with GB


A shirt that C Laudio Baeza gave to the Claw Blanca and a video in which the steering wheel appears, the attacker Esteban Paredes and the technician Héctor Tapia sending a message to the bar could mean the 10 points loss for Colo Colo.

In particular, Article 66 bis of the Code of Procedure and Penalties of the ANFP is the text that these days could complicate Colo Colo, because in the regulation is prohibited members of a certain club "to perform intentionally or negligently any monetary or in-kind contribution to supporters or adherents of their institution or any other professional football".

  Claudio Baeza:

According to El Mercurio, in order for the Disciplinary Tribunal to investigate the possible irregularity, the ANFP Board of Directors must denounce by 4 August, the date on which For the moment, the secretary general of the organization, Sebastián Moreno, baderted that they did not know the register and that they would only begin to evaluate it.

Colo Colo currently has 27 points and he is fifth. In the ranking of the National Tournament, with a reduction of 10 points, he would fall to number 11.

The message of Baeza

The video questioned is linked to a raffle organized by a sector The main prize is a midfielder's shirt, the same one that promotes the numbers: "Hello, how are you, I'm Claudio Baeza, I hope the draw flags at the fate will attend the commission.I hope they will reap a lot of money, so we are waiting for you.Cuddles and take care of you. "

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