Colo Colo will play an international friendly on July 12 against Uruguay's Nacional | Soccer


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Sebastián Beltrán / Agencia Uno

In the midst of the direct conflict Colo Colo these days, the news of his return to the courts is a great I breathe so much for the club only for fans .

And it is that day that it was announced that Macul's set will return to the courts this Thursday, July 12, date at which his life First international friendly match of the season

As detailed on the official website of the "cacique", students of Héctor Tapia will measure the force before Nacional de Uruguay team where by milita some the former archer of the University of Chile, Esteban Conde .

The meeting is scheduled for 20:00 that day and could count on the presence of Lucas Barrios, Damian Perez, Danny Perez and Esteban Pávez the new incorporations of the l 39; albo set for this semester

Similarly, it should be noted that next week Colo Colo will visit Union La Calera duel as will be played from at 12:00 pm on Saturday 21 July and this is part of the sixteenth date of the national tournament.

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