Colo Colo's only saved a draw against O 'Higgins' PrensaFútbol


Saturday, October 20, 2018


The cast of Hector Tapia was in danger of leaving the qualifying zone for the next Copa Sudamericana after the 1-1 draw before the "Capo de Provincia". . In a dull meeting, the & # 39; Cacique & # 39; came from behind to score a point when visiting El Teniente de Rancagua.

By Rodrigo Guajardo Baeza | @Guaja_

At Colo Colo, they announced that all their cards would be played to keep alive the minimum chances of qualifying for the next Copa Libertadores. But after the 1-1 draw with O. Higgins in Rancagua, Hector Tapia's cast was suspended at the South American qualifying zone.

Although the reigning Chilean champion showed an interesting start to the match, it only lasted for the first quarter of an hour. The 4-2-3-1 arranged by the albos had at first a short and intense image and which pressed constantly towards the portico of Miguel Pinto. So came Insaurralde's head (2 #) and Pavez's coup (8)) who were about to make a difference.  Pinares_OHiggins_ColoColo_2018_xpress "src =" "width =" 278 "height =" 196

But over minutes, the game of visitors is diluted and the "Capo de Provincia" has seized the field. from El Teniente. The rancagüinos badociated the actions with an orderly and direct game.

The difference was then: at 28,, Juan Fuentes took advantage of a stopped ball, which was added to the hot mark of the back colocolina and swept to put 1-0 Colo Colo felt the and it cost him a lot to heal, which makes it more obvious that when Jorge Valdivia is well scored, he is left without power or offensive variants.

At age 43, Barrios' shot required Pinto, who sent him to him. corner After the corner, all the power of Juan Insaurralde (44 ') appeared to place the head of the parity on the dashboard. The return of the match did not give a boost to the game albo during the complement.

The celestial photo could not impose its terms, so the shock became predictable and without dangerous actions. Two local approaches and a weak shot from Barrios (86)) – who continues to demonstrate his very weak present – confirmed that the division of points was the fairest.

Thus, Colo Colo reaches 38 units and remains in the sixth. Place of the national championship, from where it could be moved if Huachipato beats La Calera. O & # 39; Higgins has added 32 and is in ninth place, two places below the last team that will go to Sudamericana in 2019.

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