Comic Con 2018: trailer of "Titans", the new DC series [VIDEO] | Comic Con | United States | DC Comics | Warner Bros | trends


One of the best-known groups of DC Comics is "Teen Titans", . That's why since the beginning of this year began the production of "Titans", whose trailer was presented today at San Diego's Comic-con.

The most important event in the world of entertainment has started and different companies have shown their novelties. DC could not be a stranger and after presenting the next seasons of the series that he produced, he also showed the upcoming new productions in premiere

YOU CAN SEE Comic Con 2018: C & # 39: is the surprising new cover of the Batman comic strip [19659004] This is the case of "Titans", the new series of Warner Bros., which since before the first has received thousands of critics following the leak of a set of photographs, showing the actors filming, interpreting each of his characters.

Many fans said that the series had no potential, that the costumes looked cheap and especially that the rain of criticism was for the actress Ann Diop as Starfire. Many have argued that the actress has no resemblance to its paper version. Especially because of the color of the skin, since Starfire has an orange-hued skin.

However, after seeing the trailer, many changed their minds, in which they see Robin feuding with his mentor (Batman). The viewer draws this conclusion to see that the Wonder Boy meets thieves with whom he fights F ** k Batman.

The trailer & # 39; Titans' focus on Raven and Robin although the rest of the team is also appreciated. A curious fact is that the trailer shows little to Starfire, perhaps to mitigate the criticism of the fans, although you can see that the appearance is the same but nuanced with special effects on the eyes and hair of l & # 39; actress.

Finally, we can see that the violence will be close to the skin, since we observe a Bloodthirsty Robin who is ready to use firearms. Although Dick Grayson is behind the mask of the "Wonder Boy", many people indicate that by his actions and his manner of fighting, he has more resemblance to Jason Todd, the second to wear Robin's coat and who currently has the identity of "Red Hood"

Then we leave you with the trailer of the new DC series:

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