Compañero asks that the cup goes to shy Kolo Kanté


Bicampeón Premier League, best player in the 2017 English league and now world champion, here are some of the achievements of the French N ° Golo Kanté who was one of the protagonists this Russian World Cup 2018, but not only for his extraordinary performance, but also for his humility and personality so "low profile", even in the celebrations.

After winning the World Cup, and in its entirety celebrations, the small midfielder Chelsea watched his companions walk and photographed with the trophy, and apparently, did not dare to ask him to the touch . Up to the player from Seville noticed by Steven N Zonzi

The French midfielder who plays in Spain noticed that Kanté was the only one who could not be photographed and touched the cup, He asked his compatriots and gave it to N ° Golo who was one of the figures of the team led by Didier Deschamps.

Once he managed to have the precious object in his hands, Kanté was very happy and photographed with his characteristic smile, turning his story into a viral because of the particular case .

One of the most beloved in the locker room and who has now conquered the love of the whole world, the history of the effort of the recovery wheel, the old City of Leicester fell in love with the football world.

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