"Complicate the simple thing was his sin": In Argentina, they destroy Jorge Sampaoli for elimination in World Cup


Argentina does not go over to Russia 2018. The selection led by Jorge Sampaoli lost 4 to 3 against France and was eliminated from the World Cup in the round of 32. After the elimination, all the critics went to give to Jorge Sampaoli, who did not live up to the position and many asked him to resign once he was in charge. they lost with the Gauls. However, as reads the title of his autobiography, the technician did not listen and followed

The lack of criticism of the coach who did tactical failures and has not repeated training since taking office in Argentina he filled the patience of the Argentine journalists who launched all their artillery against Sampaoli. TyC Sports, for example, writes an article titled "The Illusion Does Not Have Clear Arguments" and they say loud and clear: "The end was predictable, it could have been in the first round, only a miraculous purpose prolonged life that day. would it have happened if someone had linked Meza's attempt to the end: this would have only served to stretch the agony, or someone could be optimistic in the elongation against a chosen fresh, dynamic and convinced? "

" Consistency, Sampaoli was insanely lacking in knowledge. For this last match he put Messi fake 9, a position in which he distorts at this point in his career. The extreme: instead of improving it, he (…) (Sampaoli) He arrived at the World Cup without knowing who would be 4, 6, 5, his companion and 9. Too much gift, a rare hierarchy is added in several positions, with gamers spent. waste surrounds Messi like this, who played above what was imagined and what was necessary ", they add to conclude that" the technical cycle failed. The certainty that the illusion did not have clear arguments . "

Clarín, meanwhile, also added to the harsh criticism and writes that" only Sampaoli tried the tactics worked. "] Not the wrong 9 now, nor the three defenders before, let alone the offensive revolution with which he threatened a year ago when he took office, that of four defend and six to attack , or the pretentious 2-3-3-2 with which he tried to seduce tactical and offensive sensitivities "

" The coach was not up to what the l & rsquo; National team required (…) It is true that a year is not enough to learn mistakes, rectify and find the right players, but Sampaoli has been squeezing these months in d & # 39; 39 innumerable variants of names and systems to eventually deliver (or share) the key of the team to the historical, "they add.

" the technician fills too many boxes with his confusion. He has not repeated a training in his 15 matches. This speaks of insecurity to insist on an idea, or that players have never interpreted the message (…) Complicate the ease with which football is one of its most great sins. When things do not come out, it's a good idea to simplify. He did it at one point in the World Cup, when the ranking was on fire, perhaps convinced by the players. The last image of Sampaoli is a desperate request to historians to save him and a last tactical throw and missed with Messi of fake 9 ".

But the critics of Sampaoli do not stop there and a history of l & # 39; Albiceleste, Osvaldo Ardiles, sent his message on social networks: "We could have had a very good team, but they made mistakes in all cases . Perhaps the first and fundamental was to have named Sampaoli as our DT, his incoherence, his indecision, his lack of leadership played a fundamental role in our sad role.

Diego wins the second star for Argentina in Mexico Congratulations to all the boys of 86. A big hug and it serves as a Mannian inspiration against France.We have history and It's coming Argentina go bad! https://t.co/0Gzxvjm8NA

– osvaldo ardiles (@osvaldooardiles) June 29, 2018

2 / His inconsistency, his indecision, his lack of leadership played a role fundamental role in our sad role One plan: Give the ball to Messi and wait for the miracle We have players of the highest level: Messi, the best in the world, but Otamendi and Agüero, …

– osvaldo ardiles (@osvaldooardiles) June 30, 2018

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