Concern in Colombia for the magnitude of the injury suffered by James Rodríguez – Colombia – 24 hours


  Concern in Colombia for the extent of the injury suffered by James Rodríguez

Coach José Néstor Pékerman badured that the steering wheel disease "is not a comfortable situation". There is still no official statement on the future of Bayern's value at the 2018 World Cup.

The coach of the Colombian national team José Pekerman known to be "] very worried " due to relapse into the injury of his midfielder James Rodríguez who had to be substituted in the match on Thursday against Senegal where they took the ticket to the eighth at the end of the World Cup in Russia .

James, who could not make his debut at the Russian premiere of 2018 due to muscle overload, was to be replaced after half an hour on the third day of Group H " I am very anxious , it is very difficult for the team of this situation, it is not a comfortable situation .Registered normally until yesterday, he was finishing free throws, penalties . "

technician of the "coffee growers" badured that the Bayern Munich player was able to lead his team in search of a ticket for the eighth place that suffered, until Yerry Mina condemns him to 0-1 against the Africans. " I was in ideal conditions in all formations ," he said.

 Yerry Mina, the vegetable charger became the hero of Colombia in Russia in 2018