Controversy by means that compared Russia Russia 2018 with Hitler | Sports


The surprise elimination of Germany from the 2018 World Cup in Russia has been described in different ways by newspapers around the world, some more creative than others. However, none of them spoke as much as the cover of a Spanish media outlet that tried to joke about the German defeat with the Holocaust.

The newspaper "New Spain" tried to be original and raised the head of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler Title: " The worst Germany since Hitler ", which elicited reactions through social networks, condemning the comparison.

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"Never in history has Germany fallen in the group stage, and there is only one precedent for having to retire to Berlin before its time: the World Cup in France in 1938, when it fell in the second round. ", justify the note.

 Spanish half

"The new German generation is knocking at the door, after an unprecedented debacle, that no one in the national team or in the country is hiding," he says. Despite the wave of criticism and the rebound that digital media has caused everywhere, the Spanish media have decided not to delete or change the title of its column on Germany c. South Korea.

-Tit something about Germany's poor performance in the World Cup.
-But do not worry, remember that it does not stop being football.
-Forget, leave that to me.

– Bata Salso (@g_salso) Jun 28, 2018

The Unfortunate World Cup Holder: "The worst Germany after Hitler" https: //

– Ñeh (@PeeWeeWiggly) Jun 28, 2018

Comparing a World Cup to a Great War is Awesome

– cabal (@iniestainfinity) June 28, 2018

What a shame to titrate

– bloodymeri @ (@Rockincolumbia) June 28, 2018

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