Controversy in Germany by Özil's decision to leave the selection


The decision of the German football player Mesut Özil to leave the national team – accusing his critics of "racist" – sparked a heated controversy in Germany, then that in Turkey "With great difficulty and after many considerations about what happened, I will not continue to play for the German national team as long as I feel this feeling of racism and disgrace. # 39; disrespect "he said in a statement. long press release published on Twitter by the player of Turkish origin

World champion in 2014 and key man of the coach Joachim Löw, Özil scored 23 goals in 92 matches with the & # 39; & # 39 ;. Mannschaft [19659003Laporte-paroled'AngelaMerkelarappelelecalleleccelerator"abeaucoupknowledge"fortheplayeranddecision"mustberespected"But the German Football Federation has categorically rejected accusations of racism.

The popular newspaper Bild called for the departure of Özil for weeks after meeting in London with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in May, with whom he took several photos, also with another player of Turkish origin, Ilkay Gündogan

The meeting shortly before the 2018 Russia World Cup was interpreted as a support to the leader that Germany accuses of authoritarian.

The newspaper denounced Monday " a resignation" and criticizes the football player for having supported a "despot " who wants to impose a "dictatorship Islamist".

On the contrary, the Turkish Minister of Justice, Abdülhamit Gül, congratulated Özil on Twitter. "I congratulate Mesut Özil who, leaving the German national team, scored his best goal against the virus of fascism "Gül tweeted."

"German when you win, immigrant when you lose"

The player, born in Germany to Turkish parents settled in the country, left his Turkish nationality in 2007 to be of German nationality.

Relations between Turkey and Berlin are very tense since the failed attempt failed in July 2016. While Berlin accuses Erdoğan of authoritarianism, he has not hesitated to compare current Germany with Nazism.

Özil, 29, and Arsenal player, posted a long letter on Twitter Sunday criticizing the way he is treated The footballer accuses in particular the president of the German Football Federation (DFB), Reinhard Grindel, a former conservative member who, during his career, has The political race has always criticized multiculturalism

"For Grindel and those who support him, I am German when one wins, but immigrated when one loses" says the player.

The Federation says categorically reject "

Critics of the Far Right

Other newspapers, though they criticize the harshness of the letter of Özil, acknowledge that there is a problem of racism in Germany, where the far right, represented by the party Alternative for Germany (AfD), is experiencing an unprecedented boom since 1945.

According to German Justice Minister Katarina Barley, " is an alarm signal when a great German footballer like Mesut Özil no longer feels represented in his country because of racism."

The Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel denounces "a populist l country", where the resignation of Özil opens "a sport, political and social crack".

And the leader of the German Turkish community, Gökay Sofuoglu, said that the "diversity" of the German national team, which until now has been a "model", is under threat.

Özil, who has never hidden his Muslim religion, has been under the spotlight of the AfD for two years. A far-right party leader, Alice Weidel, said Monday that the midfielder is "a typical example of the failure of the integration of the peoples of the Turkish-Islamic world."

Since May, when met Erdogan, Özil has remained silent, unlike Gündogan, who has asked for forgiveness.

In his Sunday letter, the Arsenal player badures that his meeting with the Turkish president was not political.

People, my roots go beyond one country. I grew up in Germany, but my family history has its roots well established in Turkey. I have two hearts, a German and a Turkish, "he writes.

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