Controversy in "Red": Twins accuse the humiliation of Neilas Katinas and left the program


A controversial Wednesday is the one that was lived yesterday in "Red, the color of talent". The TVN program saw how twins Maylor and Marlon Pérez faced Neilas Katinas, after showing them a bad note and, according to them, humiliated them.

But to understand the fight we have to leave a day ago, Tuesday, when after Maylor's dance, Katinas evaluated him without positive comments and asked him if he and his brother were trying to compete or only to celebrity.

The Cubans immediately felt humiliated and made it known at the ceremony. elimination of this repechage which both participated. There, Maylor asked for the floor and referred pejoratively to the jury. "Dance with the soul for the audience, not for these," he said.

After that, there was a little discussion between the two parties that ended with the departure of the brothers from the program, the last one "

In social networks, the followers of the program have shown themselves, preferably, in favor of the Cubans. There, Tuesday and Wednesday, they accused the judge of humiliation and that the program was corrected

#RedRepechaje Neilas's question was not the same as the jury's shame he it is not educational, it is destructive, ?????

– Cristóbal Becerra F. (@Kristobalejandr July 4, 2018

The attitude of the jury vis-à-vis the twins, especially Neilas, is terrible: not only are they competitive, but they also learn, but they are humiliated ? because they know that with future support, they will be like the Power Peralta? (Power Perez in this case ? ) #RedRepechaje

– Pamela Alarcón (@ pame2087) July 4, 2018

They humiliate me and in the APPARATUS as Neilas did with the twins and I download and bbad and I do not mind saying doodles but no one has the right to make you feel like that, it's good that you do not like the way they dance but I think there are better ways to say it #RedTV

– Paola Diaz Q☀ (@Paolaadiazq) July 4, 2018

#RedRepechaje @Rojo_TVN Unacceptable attitude of Neilas. Nobody can afford it. Really bad Neilas

– PedroBarra_ForceOne_ (@_ForceOne_) 4 July 2018

Bad attitude of Neilas. A huge lack of respect to belittle the intentions of someone just to have less talent than others. This lack of education and values ​​is broadcast on the screen … Too bad, and as always, everyone will be crazy

– Alvaro .KSPR ♓? (@Alvaro_ASO) 4 July 2018

#RedRepechaje very denigrating the treatment of the neilas jury to the poor Cubans #ROJOTVN

– Yordi VN (1945) @ YordiVN1) July 4, 2018

#RojoTVN yesterday with the comment of Neilas I wish the twins to leave the competition, as well as today, in direct and stating that what Neilas did was disrespectful! Very good twins

– Blue Dragonfly (@jossi_jr) July 5, 2018

#RedTVN the twins were not my favorites the truth, but I applauded. .. Nobody deserves to be humiliated the way Neilas does it with them. It is disastrous that they allow this disrespect in a public channel. People must be respected.

– Michael (@_michaelrivas) 5 July 2018

Report the CNTV program directly for the case of Neilas Katina against the Cuban twins #RedRepechaje [19659012] #RojoTVN

– Rodrigo Ferreira (@ RodrigoFe30) 5 July 2018

#RedTVN #RedRepechaje
Since the twins entered Neilas did not leave them In peace, accepting the decisions of the jurors did not It does not mean that they have to bank the bullying that has been done to them since they've come in.

– Michael (@_michaelrivas) July 5, 2018

#RojoTVN Very good the twins when leaving, neilas was not a criticism, it was a lack of respect to humiliate #RedRepechaje

– Michael (@_michaelrivas) July 5, 2018 [19659035] (function (d, s, id) {
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