Copa Sudamericana: Defense and Justice defeated El Nacional in Beccacece but | Soccer


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Eitan Abramovich I Agence France Presse

Argentine Defense and Justice won the Ecuador El Nacional 2-0 on Wednesday in the first leg of the second phase of the Copa Sudamericana-2018

Nicolás Fernández (73) and the Uruguayan Christian Almeida (76) scored the goals for the victory of Defensa, which makes a difference interesting with You look at the retaliation, which will be played on July 31 at the Atahualpa stadium in Quito.

In the first defense match under the direction of Sebastián Beccacece (exasistente of Jorge Sampaoli in the Argentine national team), the "Hawk" was clearly superior and deserved a triumph even by higher figures, beyond that he had to wait almost until the end to keep the three points.

And was all Buenos Aires a broad ruler of principled actions? finally, from an aggressive ema ski, with which he pushed on his land to an Ecuadorian team that cost him half of the yard, especially in the second half.

El Nacional tried to put up resistance, but only in the first minutes, until the defense started to gain speed and open the game by the flanks, with a first approach in a shot left crusader of Nahuel Molina who grazed the right post, and immediately, with a head by Barboza at the hands of Padilla.

In fact, the guardian of El Nacional began to take on importance as the locals were increasingly marauding their estates, including a bombing of Miranda that was hijacked in Rius and forced much of Padilla, who also showed to get Martinez's head at close range.

Even when Padilla could no longer answer, luck came to El Nacional's help, as happened with a Barboza frentazo that he knocked at the base of the left post. when there was nothing left to do.

The defense had already accumulated merits to take advantage of it, but the zero was kept in the account for the despair of DT Beccacece, who ordered quick changes early in the second half and wagered on income. Almeida and 'Nico & # 39; Fernández. This gave more dynamism to the local attack.

Padilla was already starting to become a figure by deflecting Rius' head, and again the clubs came to his aid, first in front of a shot by Fernández and then another Zapatazo of Almeida alone in front of him. the goal

The insistence of Defensa y Justicia finally got its price after half an hour of the second half, when Batalla threw short at the gates of the zone and Fernández took the rebound to define with a powerful and precise right hand In the right corner, where Padilla did not arrive.

Almeida then took advantage of a series of rebounds and increased distances with a right that went into a defender and left the visiting goalkeeper without any luck.

In a blast, Defensa violate the rival plot and was left with three deserved points, which will allow him to go with good prospects of retaliation, while El Nacional will be forced to go to the looking for a big difference to come back to the tie.

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