Croatia stays with the silver salad bowl


Croatia won the Davis Cup beating France 3-1 in the final after the victory of Marin Cilic in three sets at Lucas Puglia (7-6 (7/3), 6-3, 6-3) in the fourth match, played yesterday at Lille .

Croatia wins the second match The Davis Cup in its history, 13 years after the first, a hundred-year competition that will be reformed next year and undergo a radical change.

"It's a fantastic feeling, it's unbelievable in these conditions, with this pressure," said Zeljko Krajan, captain of the Croatian team, at the end of the match.

"There are no secrets, I only told the players that they were good enough to win, to deserve that trophy in these conditions," Krajan added .

The French, who defended the crown won in 2017 in front of their public, could not with the Croats, who had in their ranks with two players of the Top 15 in the world, Cilic (seventh) and Borna Coric (12th), who with 22 years has signed the best season of his career.

Saturday, Nicolas Mahut and Pierre-Hugues Herbert gave France their only point in the final by winning. double (6-4, 6-4, 3-6, 7-6 (7/3)) against Mate Pavic-Ivan Dodig

but a day earlier Coric for 6 -2, 7 -5, 6-4 and Cilic (6-3, 7-5, 6-4) obtained for Croatia the first two points of the end. when he won his individual duels against Jeremy Chardy and Jo-Wilfried Tsonga respectively.

Cilic, who sank in the final of two years ago against Argentina when he had dominated two sets from scratch in the fourth game against Juan Martin del Potro, he knew to dominate his nerves on the Lille plateau.

"It's a dream weekend, we all dream of playing well all weekend," said the Croatian number one.

"I am incredibly proud of the team and the way we played, we won together, we are world champions, it is the end of a great chapter of my life. life, "added Cilic.

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