Curicó: A dead and injured person at risk of dying after a frontal collision with a motorcycle


One motorcyclist died and another is at risk for life after a frontal collision on Saturday night in Curicó Commune, Maule Region.

30 hours outside La Granja stadium, when, for unknown reasons, the two vehicles collided, the two pilots shooting with their motorcycles.

Colonel Carabinieri Aldo Gorroni stated that "at the beginning of the match in Curicó and Coquimbo, unfortunately, two motorcyclists collided head-on, one died," he said. other is exposed to a vital risk. "

" The SIAT comes to verify the cause of the accident. There are shoots, so clarifications " he says.

The wounded biker is hospitalized at the commune hospital.

#Maule : [Video] Surveillance Cameras at La Granja Stadium # Curicó captured the moment when two runners crashed into a road accident that occurred paid by the death of one of them and the other in the hospital of the city @Cooperativa #CooperativaRegiones [19659008]

– Jaime Amaya Morales ( @MoralesAmaya) February 24, 2019

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