Curious facts: the Chilean invented a Spanish and the hat trick comes from cricket


Nothing in the world of football is what it seems

The Chilean (shortened shot with the back to the goal) was invented by a Spanish player, Ramón Unzaga, originally from Bilbao , who emigrated with his parents to Talcahuano (Chile), in 1906. Unzaga was nationalized Chilean with 18 years and with the "School Chorera" marked his first goals of this form. His participation with the Chilean national team at the South American Games of 1916 and 1920 made popular his Chilean auction by the South American press.

The "hat trick", meanwhile, is a term imported from cricket. According to tradition, in 1858, H.H. Stephenson consecutively managed three "wickets" (toppled the three clubs behind the drummer) at a meeting in Sheffield. The fans made a collection and bought him a hat. From there, the word "hat" would come and go? (trick) It seems that this began to be used as a commonplace by badociation with the magic tricks of the fashion in the second half of the nineteenth century. Soccer will adopt for those scoring three goals, which are not given a hat, but the ball of the game.

Football, finally, is not an American invention, but the only one. English. Although he was in the United States where he became popular (Major League Soccer, his professional league is called), the word arises in the United Kingdom, also in the mid-nineteenth century as an abbreviation of "Association" (Football Association to differentiate itself from Football Rugby). To this, the suffix -er was added, a fashion among the wealthy clbades of the time. Although in the UK he ended up being sidelined in favor of "football", which prevailed in virtually everyone, yes he did succeed in the United States, since "American football" took all of the square.

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