Dan Harmon, creator of Rick and Morty, closes his Twitter because of the pressure


  dan harmon rick and morty

All about Dan Harmon's departure from Twitter and Rick And Morty's future in Adult Swim.

There is a war going on on the internet, everything seems to indicate that after the dismissal From Rossane Bar to his hit series Rosanne, chaos broke out from the forums of the extreme groups right and Twitter, and after the fall of James Gunn by tweets almost ten years ago, Dan Harmon Rick and Morty his creator, who seems to be in the eye of the hurricane.

In 2009 Dan Harmon wrote and produced a sketch video that was a parody of the series Dexter The video made in two parts was entitled Daryl and the scene that makes noise is where Harmon enters a house, she drops her pants and pretends to be in love with a doll . The video, which was hosted on Channel101's Harmon profile, was removed some time later.

The video itself, it was a very dark sense of humor, but the people who followed Harmon knew their humor


Date: 22 July 2018. In 4Chan there were several messages that remember the video: Dan Harmon Pedo Exposé Pt 2 and Pt 3. Messages were removed but transcended from 4Chan and came to Reddit especially the wire called The_Donald ] yes, it's proTrump, the lead was titled Dan Harmon is a Scum pedo (Dan Harmon is a pedophile) and some members of Reddit have commented in the wire : "This was not funny (the video) pedophilia C's was a parody that had already aged on how Dexter's show normalized crooked crimes." We should point to the hypocrisy that exists and continue .. Trying to lead people for the bad comedy that they did is a move absurdly and we are above that.

However the post went from The_Donald to the websites that took this criticism and pointed to Harmon. Among them is the ultra-right blogger Mike Cernovich who pointed out what was said of the video:

In the video, which I will not post, it looks like Dan Harmon is seen entering in a house through a window.

I engaged in simulated fornication with a realistic child doll.

I hope it is a deep fake. https://t.co/LmYqjlGYkF

– Mike Cernovich ?? (@Cernovich) July 23, 2018

Finally the pressure came to Harmon and Adult Swim and they both took action at that subject, but they called attention that was very different from what Marvel did with James Gunn.

On the one hand Dan Harmon completely deleted his Twitter account and gave the following statement to Polygon:

"In 2009, I did a '#'. pilot who was a parody of the series Dexter and who only triumphed by being offensive.I quickly realized that the contents were in very bad taste and I removed the video immediately Nobody should have seen what some have seen and for that I apologize most sincerely. "

Subsequently, Adult Swim a chain with which Harmon works and is responsible for the enormous success that he has Rick And Morty offered a statement:

"In Adult Swim, we seek and promote creative freedom and seek to take it far from many ways, especially in comedy.The offensive content of the emptied o Dan (Harmon) did in 2009 and has resurfaced lately, shows poor judgment and does not reflect the kind of content we are looking for. Dan acknowledged his mistake at the time and apologized . He understands that there is no room for this kind of content here in Adult Swim. "

It is striking that Adult Swim did not give up or did not go to the extreme like J & # 39; I did Marvel / Disney with James Gunn.The TV channel recognizes that Harmon was wrong and that he apologized at the time.Also, they remain honest with the #################################################################################### 39 Harmon's humor and, as his statement says, they have always been concerned about the freedom of their creators Extreme

We just have to wait for the reaction of the far right bloggers who continue in this hunt and see what is happening now And another caricature still emerges from this conversation of attacks on black and acid humor: South Park Will these attacks lead to the creation and to the success of Trey Parker and Matt Stone?

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