David Schwimmer, the actor who played Ross in Friends: "I did not steal the beers"


The search for an English police team consisting of a thief "similar" to actor David Schwimmer, who portrays the role of Ross Geller in the popular TV series Friends, clearly shows that it's not him in a video that he posted on social networks

Officials from Blackpool, a coastal city in northwestern England, shared a CCTV video from the man, nicknamed the "exact copy" of Schwimmer, holding a crate of beer.

The actor reacted Wednesday to the joke videos published in the Blackpool police publication on Facebook.


he wished "good luck in the investigation" to the officers who sought his double.

In the video, posted on Twitter and Instagram, we see the star stealing a camera while looking at a supermarket holding beer cans .

"Officers, I swear it was not me," said the courier who accompanies him. "As you can see, I was in New York " adds.

"For the policewoman from Blackpool, good luck in the investigation."

The police had already confirmed that Schwimmer was not in the UK at the time of the flight, but this clarification was made in the comments of a kind of dating festival, which reached 133 000 entries referring to the series.


] "I do not think it was that guy's day, his week, his month, or even his year," wrote Nick Croston, while Olly Byrne joked, "I I'm surprised you did not find it … it's like you, still in the second of March. "

" He took a turn and escaped "

D & # 39; others, like Joe Richardson, have re-read some of Ross's best-known quotes in the television series.

" Should not I be at work … or is it a break?" [Joe] Joe asked

While Jay Murdoch wrote: "Apparently, the police had him stuck, but he turned He escaped."

  104007062friends2-281d6bc7580c758ea15fc5bafb6ab063.jpg [19659014] Craig Thompson added, "I saw him behind me in the store at the time ... just when I was paying my SANDWICH." </p>
<p>  Scottish police was also involved in 39, act with police in Dumfries and Galloway, a council in southern Scotland, sharing the publication on Facebook and inviting residents to "stay away" from the suspect. </p>
<p>  "We know that he studied karate and we think that he has mastered the art of unagi, the state of total consciousness. ", they wrote. </p>
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However, some commentators reminded their friends that a crime had been committed in real life.

"This is a thief and he is serious" wrote Grace Higham. "But those comments are funny."

The police call all those who hold information about the robbery, which took place on September 20.

The suspect is wanted for alleged theft of a jacket, a wallet and a cell phone from the restaurant. The police posted the image under video surveillance of the suspect who was buying beer at a store.


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