DC Comics launches its own streaming service



DC Universe

DC Comics and Warner Bros. announced Thursday the arrival of a new streaming service called DC Universe, where you can see all the content related to your favorite superheroes from the DC universe.

Inside DC Universe offers you exclusive series, clbadic movies and series (from the old school of superheroes), comic books, official articles and unlike other streaming DC Universe a also a forum so you can connect with other DC Comics fans.

But let's talk about exclusive content and the upcoming series. From the animated series, the third season of Young Justice: Outsiders and the new series of Harley Quinn will arrive in 2019. As for the exclusive series live-action (with actors of flesh and blood), Swamp Thing and Doom Patrol will also arrive next year and Titans will come out later this year.

In the service of streaming by DC Universe you will also find other clbadic movies with DC Comics characters, such as Batman Begins and The Dark Knight ] by Christopher Nolan, will also be great clbadics such as the films of Superman characterized by Christopher Reeve and the animated series of Batman and Wonder Woman . However, there are several recent movies that have not been included in the catalog, such as Justice League or Suicide Squad .

This service will be available on mobiles such as cell phones and tablets but will also be available inside your TV with the help of playback boxes by streaming as Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and Android TV.

How much will it cost? This is not yet known, what has been revealed is that the beta version of DC Universe will be released in August and you can access it from the DC Universe website.

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