Death of Chocolito Ramírez


"He was a striker of rich natural conditions, like his favored technique in speed to dodge with the ball stuck to loot and with a deadly shot for his poison in free throws," wrote Luis Urrutia O & # 39; Nell, Chomsky, in a note published on May 29, 2017, a few days after Orlando Ramírez turned 74 years old.

Yesterday, & # 39; Chocolito & # 39; Ramírez is dead, who has lived his last years suffering from diabetes. Perhaps an unknown name for young people, meant an indelible figure for those who could attend the Catholic University and Palestinian parties during the 1960s, in addition to the Chilean national team, whose The team was part of the 1966 World Cup.] He trained in the lower divisions of Audax Italiano, but Ramírez did not even make his debut in the first team of the Greens. Everything, because Miguel Mocciola, an Argentine coach who ran in UC cadets, transmitted the data to his club about a skilled striker of the first childish itálica that could be a contribution in The image of the band, in the years s' installs in the district (today common) of Independencia.

With the Crusaders would be national champion in 1961, precisely in the debut of Mocciola as coach of a first team, and would become one of the idols of the club, in which shone Alberto Fouillioux (died on June 23). It would be a special title, as the UC finished in equalization with the U in 38 points, after the Crusaders saved a draw, which ended without goals, with a penalty saved by Behrends to Leonel Sánchez and several expelled, in years where the cards had not yet been created to make the warnings visible. They were difficult matches. "Al Chocolito Ramírez has released him with carabinieri", recently recalled the exzaguero Luis Hernán Olivares, one of his colleagues on the place of the band.

The monetary differences for his contract renewal ended with Chocolito in Palestino, not before After playing in a tough altercation with Fernando Riera, the legendary coach of Chile at the 1962 World Cup, who returned to the UC, as coach (before he was only a Crusader player), after leading Benfica.

UC was my first big bus. I did not give my arm to twist in my economic demand which was very high and I became ugly with Don Fernando Riera. The sweetest thing that he said was pelusón … We were in the tavern of Capri, at the bachelor party of (Eleodoro) Barrientos' maiden and at three o'clock morning the Tata Riera told me to sign. Tito Fouillioux and Chuleta Andrés Prieto, who was a blonde like Lawrence of Arabia, would touch my feet under the table to accept, "Ramírez told Chomsky during the dialogue last year.

# 39; brought to England 66, although it was difficult to act in a selection, led by Luis Alamos, who had among others attackers like Leonel Sanchez, Pedro Araya or Fouillioux him In addition, it was the last World Cup where players were not allowed to change during the game.

He retired prematurely, just 27 years old, a situation that he attributed to the boredom that football began to produce.In 1977, at age 34, he joined Santiago Morning and played only three games, almost like a joke. "C & # 39; was for a bet with one of my children. He showed him that he could still be Premier, "he told La Tercera in 1997.

In 1967, Palestino visited Central America and Ramírez was dazzled.Alianza, d & # 39; 39, El Salvador, offered him a big contract, but from Santiago, the president of the Arab club refused to sell him and the player also did not want to stay. "They even offered me a coffee plantation for to keep me, "says Ramirez, who was Chocolito.

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