Deportes Valdivia fell to Puerto Montt but advanced to Copa Chile »PrensaFútbol


Saturday, June 30, 2018


Those who were led by Jorge Mortero & # 39; Aravena have suffered more than necessary to settle in the top eight round of the competition, falling 3-0 "Dolphins". engaged at Chinquihue Bicentennial Stadium.

Deportes Valdivia is already in the quarter-finals of Copa Chile. Those led by Jorge Mortero & # 39; Aravena fell by 3-0 to Deportes Puerto Montt during a contest at Bicentenario Stadium Chinquihue of the tenth region, but they took advantage of the 4-0 advantage of the first leg at Parque Stadium. Municipal

The first goal of the "Southern Clbadic" was the work of Leandro Delgado at 16 minutes. Later, Albano Becica put the 2-0 with an Olympic goal that impressed the public present in the sports redoubt. Finally, striker Jaime Grondona (69 ') was present on the scoreboard by winning the final 3-0 which did not reach the & # 39; Dolphins & # 39;

Despite a 3-0 loss, the & # 39; Torreón & # 39; was installed the round of the eight best, where he will be the rival of Barnechea. The & # 39; Huaicocheros & # 39; went on the road to Curicó Unido in an infamous penalty shoot-out, where German goalkeeper Robert Moewes was the big figure in the trial.

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