Diego Boneta admits how difficult it was to interpret Luis Miguel | Video | Netflix | Shows


The first season of popular production of Netflix Luis Miguel, The series, came to an end, and after the release of its last chapter, some details that imply the actors are coming out little by little

That's the case of Diego Boneta, who plays Luis Miguel himself, who shared with his Instagram fans what was the most difficult for what he lived when he played the role of "El Sol de México".

YOU CAN SEE Diego Boneta shares the photo with Luis Miguel for the first time

The Mexican actor did a live broadcast on this popular social network, which allowed his more than two and a half million fans Ask him something, and among these he stressed "What was the most difficult aspect of the physical characterization of Luis Miguel?"

Boneta responded that they were "two things" and then described how was his characterization process. and that to achieve it, if They really felt seeing Luis Miguel . "

One of two things named by Diego Boneta was the separation of teeth, which has the real" Luismi ", and that, according to the actor, he thought it would be easy because they could use a special effect.

"It was a roll that was made. There was a moment when, literally, I was filed and they put me a black resin, like the glue that they put on you to keep your pins glued. "The actor told his fans"

The second of the things, which made difficult his interpretation of "El Sol de México" in the series, was the tan, which he considered a complicated task

They have no idea how many times I burned my bad, tanning myself, but it was pretty painful … (When I had my hair back and forth my teeth were removed and I saw myself in the mirror I did not recognize myself, "concluded the Mexican actor.

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