Difficult passage between Cinthia Fernandez and the lawyer of "mother flares"


After the embarrbadment of the weekend because of the suspension of the superfinal of Libertadores, one of the viral images and arousing even more indignation is that of a woman concealing flares under the clothes of a child, near the Momumental.

Justice has been able to locate the woman who was arrested and must testify before the judge. A few minutes before his indictment, the defense attorney for the mother accused of "endangering the life of the child", Carlos Broitman, spoke on the phone with . .

"Do not take more hair to the people, doctor," said angrily, Cinthia Fernandez, after the lawyer stated that in the woman's actions, there was no physical risk for the baby or for others. "This creature may be dead and many others still, it is indefensible and shameful to defend such a case, indefensible of what it does," insisted the panelist. the words of him and the act of the woman. Finally, he stated that before he found himself "in the hands of an animal", he would adopt it. The lawyer immediately corrected him to clarify that he was a baby and not a baby.

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