"Discreet Messi": The reaction of the international press after the elimination of Argentina | International


The elimination of Argentina from the World Cup in Russia was not a surprise as it would have been if it had been excluded from the group stage. A team that never found its operation before one with a defined eleven holder. Despite the complication at the beginning of the second period, France was more qualified and qualified for the quarter-finals .

Be that as it may, the international press also reacted after the failure Albiceleste with Lionel Messi as the axis of all the covers.

The Spanish newspaper Marca did not hesitate to criticize the "chip" by stating that "Kylian Mbappé, with two goals and a huge display, knocked out a poor Argentina a discrete Messi" .

"The 10th ended up flowing, he did not appear in many phases of the game and his star came out in this World Cup with one goal and several disappointing performances.It is number one, but it has not shown it. "

Catalan Sport lent more clothes to Messi and badured that " the World Cup is a blur in the program of Messi ". The Brazilian Lance, meanwhile, did not hesitate to make fun of Argentina by putting the title "Chau Chau Chau" . In the note they emphasized that "in a few years Lionel Messi will probably remember the face – and the speed – of Kylian Mbappé The young PSG gave a show in the match which qualified France in quarterfinals: a penalty kicked and two goals for the 4-3 win over Argentina in Kazan. "

The UK's Daily Mail went to Mbappé " C & Is the player who wore a blue 10 who won a hot match and breathless with a performance that will define this tournament. "

The Peruvian Depor was also surprised by Mbappé to make sure that "It's the future of football"

Finally, La Gazzetta dello Sport said that "Kylian Mbappé, a twenty-year-old rider with an integrated motorcycle, is the character of the day, probably eighths, also of the World Cup. The best on the field, to a large extent, was a number 10 who is not Messi

Lance [19659016] Daily Mail "width =" 750 "height =" 400 "clbad = "size-medium wp-image-3760704" />
The Daily Mail
  The Gazzetta dello Sport
The Gazzetta dello Sport

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