Disenchantment: The first advance recalls The Simpsons and Futurama – Shows and Culture


Disenchantment: First advance that recalls the Simpsons and Futurama

The series will arrive on the platform of movies and series streaming, Netflix August 17.

24Horas.cl Tvn

28.06.2018 [19659005] The new series of Matt Groening, Disenchantment, published his first insight through Netflix which distinguished itself by the notorious resemblance to his earlier works, The Simpsons and Futurama .

This new production will be installed in a period not yet explored by Groening, since with The Simpsons we saw the reflection of the present life, with Futurama we could see the crazy adventures of Fray in l '. future and now with Disenchantment we will go to the past

The plot will turn around Bean, an alcoholic princess who returns with his parents who will face to the problems that your daughter is going to cause next to her house demon Lua.

The animated series will arrive on the streaming platform on August 17, but beware, in Spanish we will know it as (Des) enchantment, which will initially have 10 epidosodes.


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