Disobedience, lesbian drama in religious rigor


After the absolute success that he achieved with "Una mujer fantástica", the director Sebastián Leilo made his debut on the international scene with "Desobediencia", a drama about two women, Ronit and Estil, confronted with conservatism , to religion and moral canons to live a love story that frees them and confronts them with the decisions that they must make to achieve their happiness.

Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams, stunning Hollywood actresses, support with their performance an emotion a story that, though she explores the pathways of female baduality and eroticism, does not push her not to an extreme explicit and remains within the limits of feeling and pbadions contained.

The issue is particularly important in times of struggle for respect for badual freedom and the empowerment of women.

In Disobedience, all the technical elements are at the service of a meticulously done script. A film at the pinnacle of the milestones of recent cinematography, which positions Leilo as a director called to follow the path of other successful Latin Americans in Hollywood.

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