Dragon Ball Super: The first sketch of "Broly" is revealed | Akira Toriyama | Gokú | trends


Dragon Ball Super has already revealed that he will have his sequel in history with the film that brings the return of Broly but which in turn put him in the canon of the popular Japanese animated series. However, recently we knew how this character looked in his first appearance.

It must be remembered that the first time the followers of Dragon Ball, saw this powerful Super Saiyayin Legendary in the film that was created in 1993, called " Dragon Ball: the invincible power & # 39;

YOU CAN SEE Dragon Ball Super: laughs for "poor cosplay" from & # 39; Broly & # 39; done by young Asian [FOTOS]

Even though after had two other films, has never been considered part of the Dragon Ball universe, this because its creator, Akira Toriyama only was not part of the production of this film, but what he did was ] Broly .

Taking into account that the long-awaited trailer was revealed a little over a week ago and that the design of this Broly version 2018, it is that he jumps to memory first appearance on the site of Dragon Ball on the occasion of the campaign to anticipate the next film of the saviors of the Universe 7.

This Broly which will appear on the December tape in Japan (January to Peru) Toriyama makes it look much more damaged, with several scars, although apparently it will still be powerful.

Missing many details of this new version of the mighty 'Saiyan Legendary', but what fanatics like most, is that one of the characters they've the most missed is an official part of the universe Dragon Ball .


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