Drake's new album surprises with the appearance of Michael Jackson – Shows and Culture


  Drake's new album surprises with the appearance of Michael Jackson

The rapper did not give details of how this song was produced, but it is believed that was one of the works that the pop king left unfinished before his death.

Almost a decade after his death, Michael Jackson reappears on a new album, "Scorpion", by Canadian rapper Drake.

On the highly anticipated fifth studio album of Drake, released this Friday, the voice of the king of pop can be heard in the chorus of the song "It does not matter to me."

"Suddenly you say you do not want me anymore / all of a sudden, you say I've closed the door / I'm mad" (Suddenly you say you do not like me any more more / suddenly you say I've closed the door / I'm mad), sings Jackson.

So you hear the song of Drake and Michael Jackson [19659007]

Drake did not give details on how this song was produced, although it is known that Jackson had several unfinished works ] at the time of his death in 2009.

Another Jackson posthumous duo with pop star Justin Timberlake had been released in 2014, "Love has never felt so good."

Like "Does not matter to me", in This song features the legendary singer Paul Anka, the author of "Put Your Head on My Shoulder", album with which Jackson and Anka have worked set in 1983.

This project was put aside after the success of "Thriller", which will become the best-selling album in history.

"Scorpion" appears just after the death of Joe Jackson, the father of Michael, Jermaine and La Toya Jackson.

] In an interview last year, Drake revealed that Michael Jackson had been an example to him, and he also regretted being called a "rapper".

In this new album of 25 songs, Drake remains true to the rap genre, however, making him one of the best-selling singers of recent years. In some tracks, he ventures into the genre of pop

In the song "Talk up," where President Donald Trump is criticized, rapper Jay-Z also appears as a guest star.


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