Edward Norton Reveals Why He's Never Been Hulk


If you are very young or if Phase 1 of the Marvel cinematic universe did not particularly catch your eye, maybe the only Hulk you remember is Mark Ruffalo. However, the first to take it to the cinema the last decade was the Oscar-nominated actor, Edward Norton .

The interpreter of "American History X" (1998) and "Birdman or (the Unexpected) Under the Ignorance)" (2014) was the protagonist of "Hulk: the "incredible man" in 2008 when the deadly battle we saw in "Avengers: Infinity War" (2018) still seemed very far

For Norton was debut and farewell to the UCM because after this band he did not appear again in his role as Bruce Banner, who would later be replaced by the one who plays it until now.

His participation in Roast Bruce Willis, the actor revealed his truth about his departure from the saga to success. "I tried to be like you Bruce, I did a great action movie called" Hulk: The Incredible Man, " Do you know what went wrong, I wanted a better script "he said. a joke that should not have been very well received in their offices: " I thought we should make a Marvel movie as good as Christopher Nolan's worst film but what were we thinking -I?" 19659005] Norton's statements, in fact, were much harder than those I had made in year 2014 just before the premiere of "Avengers: Age of Ultron" (2015).

This opportunity, the professional badured that "I have watched the distribution of the time of life that we are going to do this type of films and the obligations that accompany them" and that "wanted more diversity" in his film career. 19659007] (function (d, s, id) {
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