England and Croatia have a long-awaited appointment with history – 07/11/2018


Football is the universal sport par excellence. The sentence is ratified in every World Cup because of the fever it arouses in people. And there are more than 50 million English people who vibrate because their team has nothing to do after 52 years. No less euphoric are the more than 4 million Croats: today, the Balkan country will be paralyzed during the semifinal, as the first World Cup final is at hand. England and Croatia will then define France's rival at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, 15 in Argentina (public TV).

London's Hyde Park will be in football uniform. In the iconic park, the semifinal will be projected on a giant screen and more than 30,000 tickets will have to be drawn for the huge demand.

"The World Cup fever has trapped London and the whole nation," said Sadiq Khan, the mayor of the British capital. The wait with the World Cup is so great that even the resignation of Boris Johnson, Foreign Minister and Brexit ideologue, is in the background.

And much more: more than 150,000 English people sign a bank petition on Monday, in the event that Gareth Southgate's cast reaches the final.

In Croatia, there is a party in all the streets of the cities. The country, which separated from the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, has a rich history in football, the most popular sport. For this reason, it has already been warned that on the occasion of the semi-final the shops will be closed and even the theaters will have canceled their functions. Another telling fact: the Croatian shirt is exhausted.

The favorite is England, currently and because he arrives more rested than Croatia, who played twice against the Denmark and Russia "We will face a very good team, one of the best in the World Cup, but we have no pressure, let's play to relax, we have learned to appreciate football", said Zlatko Dalic, coach of Croatia. And he continued: "We have had five difficult matches but there is no excuse, we are in the semifinals, we want to take advantage and give all of us, we will not say we are We are a country where anything is possible. "

In Croatia, defender Sime Vrsaljko is in doubt. If you do not arrive, your place will be occupied by Vedran Corluka. Goalkeeper Danijel Subasic will be available

"We are dreamers, we have taken a number of historic steps, and we had our biggest win for England in 6-1 against Panama, our first victory in a duel. Elimination in ten years, our first win in the quarterfinals in a long time … So we will try to continue to break down these barriers, "said coach Southgate, who will repeat the same team that has beat Sweden.

and the coach closed: "We are proud of our style, the way we competed under pressure and how we overcame the most difficult situations. "

Rolling the ball …

The World Cup, minute by minute

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